
Primary Challenge:

Inventory is aging very quickly. Multiple options per category

Negative Consequence:

Retailers are stuck with certain models and forced to sell on discount

Our Approach:

Smart Allocator, Replenishment, and Assortment Management are implemented based on actual sales and stock data of each SKU and assortment group.

The result:


Reduction of inventory


Increase of full price sell-through

We Know your Industry

Consumer electronic retailers need to secure the availability of products during the limited and shrinking cycle life. Some of the products are bulky. Some of the products require a pre-order far in advance and are in limited supply during their life cycle. Some of the products are interchangeable. For many products, there are multiple options and price points.

Onebeat algorithms manage the allocation, replenishment, and phase-out of products during their life cycle. Cross-store transfer and smart allocation boost availability even when product supply is limited. Onebeat’s Assortment management optimizer provides the perfect management tool for interchangeable products.

Smart Replenishment
Prioritized replenishment based on actual sales potential.
Adaptive Assortment Management
Maximize effectiveness of each store’s offering by monitoring and adjusting the range of products in each category based on real on time data.
Slow Movers Liquidation
Maximize portfolio effectiveness. Minimize non moving stock liquidation.
“We initially looked at symphony as software to help us manage in-store inventory. We didn’t understand its strategic importance and the effect it would bring in turning our business around. We started to see benefits within the first 3 months of implementation. Implementation provided greater control to the purchasing team, which in turn is improving our purchasing effectiveness.”
Nidhi Manpuria
Manager of Business Process Improvement and Merchandising Cromā

Pronto para ampliar seu negócio de varejo?

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